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Showing posts from January, 2022

Yomari (Sweet dumpling)

      The delicacy of the Newar community of Nepal, Yamari is a  steam sweet dumpling made with an external covering of rice flour dough with a sweet filling Chaku ( concentrated jaggery mix with ghee, dry nuts, coconuts).   Let's start out with ingredients (to make 15 Yomari) Rice flour- 500 grams Chaku (Molasses)-100 grams Sesame seed Powder – 50 gram Coconut powder/ grated coconut-20 grams Cardamom powder- 5 grams Vegetable oil- 10 gram   Preparation Heat a cup of water and Chaku in the pan at medium heat.  When Chaku melts, add sesame powder, coconut powder and cardamom powder and stir it gently. Add about a spoon full of rice flour and stir it gently. When the paste is good (not too thick or too thin) pour it into a bowl.  Make the dough for Yomari using rice flour and Luke warm water. Make a soft dough (dough should be soft because if the dough is hard the Yomari will break). When the dough is ready cover it with a soft piece of cloth and rests it for about half an hour. Afte


                                                                  One of the national dishes of Nepal, it is a fermented and sun-dried leafy vegetable that can be stored for years, made of various leafy vegetables such as reddish leaves, mustard leaves and cauliflower leaves. It has a strong fermented smell and a varying degree of sourness. Gundruk provides minerals and vitamins when we are having fewer fresh vegetables in winter and dry seasons. It is one of the versatile food items which can be served as either soup, appetizer or side dish. This is one of the favourite food of Nepalese people. It is rehydrated with hot water and used in making various dishes. I will be sharing some of the dishes which can be made from Gundruk Gundruk ko Jhol (soup) is a most common way of consuming Gundruk. Let's start out with ingredients. one fist full of Gundruk rehydrated  4-5 medium size of potato boiled crush with hand  Mustard oil  1 large chopped onion, 2 -3 tomato chopped  Spices- turme


                           It is popular street food in Nepal. It is famous among teenagers as it consists of lots of mouth-watering flavours. Chatpate can be of two varieties dry and wet. The only difference is we put gram flour paste to make wet Chatpate. The taste varies from place to place with slide changes in the ingredients.  Made up of a mixture of puffed rice, Wai Wai noodles, spicy mixture (dalmot), onion, tomato, fresh coriander, green chilli, spices,  lime juice, cucumber, boiled potatoes, soaked peas and chickpeas, black salt, vegetable oil and gram flour paste (optional).    For making Chatpate, Take onion, tomato, fresh coriander, green chilli, cucumber and finely chopped them, make dice of boiled potatoes and squeeze lime juice in a separate bowl.  Take a bowl having lime juice, add soaked peas, chickpeas and add the chopped ingredients as well as black salt or salt, vegetable oil and mix well.  Now add dalmot, Wai Wai and puffed rice to the mixture and mix well.  It&#