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Yomari (Sweet dumpling)

The delicacy of the Newar community of Nepal, Yamari is a  steam sweet dumpling made with an external covering of rice flour dough with a sweet filling Chaku ( concentrated jaggery mix with ghee, dry nuts, coconuts).


Let's start out with ingredients (to make 15 Yomari)
  • Rice flour- 500 grams
  • Chaku (Molasses)-100 grams
  • Sesame seed Powder – 50 gram
  • Coconut powder/ grated coconut-20 grams
  • Cardamom powder- 5 grams
  • Vegetable oil- 10 gram


  • Heat a cup of water and Chaku in the pan at medium heat. 
  • When Chaku melts, add sesame powder, coconut powder and cardamom powder and stir it gently.
  • Add about a spoon full of rice flour and stir it gently.
  • When the paste is good (not too thick or too thin) pour it into a bowl.
  •  Make the dough for Yomari using rice flour and Luke warm water.

  • Make a soft dough (dough should be soft because if the dough is hard the Yomari will break).
  • When the dough is ready cover it with a soft piece of cloth and rests it for about half an hour.
  • After half an hour, grease your palm with cooking oil so that the dough will not stick to your hand.
  • Take a small piece of dough and make it first into a round then into a long Yomari shape
  • Make as thin as you can because more thin your wrap is tastier Yomari becomes 
  • Add two teaspoons of Chaku into the wrap and slowly close the Yomori top.
  • You should keep on roiling the Yomari while closing the top.
  • Heat the water in the steamer. When water boils, put Yomari in the steamer and let it steam for about 10 minutes.



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